Breathe well, sleep well and eat well” is Doctor Moscatelli’s motto. This is where the idea came from and shaped from our Research and Development Department, our Gourmed product line was born.
Our Gourmed collection is composed of innovative products and characterized from high quality raw materials. To maintain unaltered the organoleptic characteristics longer we preserve the powdered food in protective atmosphere.
The menu comprehends 13 dehydrated dishes and the thickener powder GellyMed for food and beverage.
With the synergy of the experts of the field we added value to our foods reaching our plus: we have supplemented the levels of Vitamin D3 and branched chain amino acids in every recipe.
Having evaluated dysphagia complications, we recognize how important is to supplement these nutrients with the diet, especially if we come across a fragile person.
Numerous studies stat how branched chain amino acids are the best tolerated from the organism.1
Recent studies show that the dose to supplement is 10g/day in elderly people. In three months of administration with this amount of amino acids in dynamic elderly people an increased of ½ kg muscle mass and a clear improvement in muscular strength.2
Another study reported an increase of 1.5 kg in the weight of over seventy years old suffering from COPD related cachexia introducing 8g/day for three months.3
About Vitamin D functionality, we mention the most significant and those who led us to choose their additioning:

– Improving the muscular strength and immunitary system;
– Helping amino acids assimilation;
– Regulating muscular tone;
– Anti-inflammatory action4.

1Aminoacidi essenziali, metaboliti e vitamina D: interplay nella riabilitazione muscolare e metabolica Negro M. Quaderni di Medicina e Chirurgia 2020, Supplemento n. 2 al n. 2-2020
2Effects of 12 weeks of essential amino acids (eaa)-based Multi-ingredient nutritional supplementation on muscle Mass, muscle strength, muscle power and fatigue in healthy Elderly subjects: a randomized controlled double-blind Study M. Negro1 et al. J Nutr Health Aging 2019
3Essential Amino Acids and Exercise Tolerance in Elderly Muscle-Depleted Subjects with Chronic Diseases: A Rehabilitation without Rehabilitation? Aquilani R. Hindawi Publishing Corporation BioMed Research International Volume 2014, Article ID 341603, 8 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/341603
4Aminoacidi essenziali, metaboliti e vitamina D: interplay nella riabilitazione muscolare e metabolica Negro M. Quaderni di Medicina e Chirurgia 2020, Supplemento n. 2 al n. 2-2020.



Our Gourmed meals are characterized by an authentic taste that reminds of the original recipe and are easy to administrate.
The product, once rehydrated, maintains the same compactness during time and at the change of temperature. These characteristics guarantee maximum safety during the meal.
There are no artificial food colourings, the brightness and the diversification of the meals shade resemble the original recipe encouraging people to eat.
The ingredients are aromatically balanced, calibrating the combination between raw materials and food additives.
They are also nutritionally balanced. The caloric intake is proportional to macro nutrients and supplemented with vitamin D3 and branched chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, valine).
The meals do not contain food preservatives. The long-term preservation is obtained thank to the research in the food technology field guaranteeing the ingredients hygienic security and maintaining the integrity of the nutrients.
Boxes are made of 5 containers weighting 50 g each.
Preparing the meal is very fast and easy, the dish is ready in five minutes. Pour the content of the container in 150 ml of boiling water and whisk (manually or electrically).
No gluten source contained.


  • Pasta alla carbonara sauce

  • Pasta al pesto sauce

  • Pasta al ragù sauce

  • Vegetables soup

  • Pumpkin risotto

  • Fish risotto

  • Pizza margherita

  • Cod with tomato sauce

  • Roasted chicken

  • Eggs and asparagus

  • Biscuits and caffè latte (no caffeine)

  • Babà with rhum (no alcohol)

  • Plum and apple


Our thickener powder is instant and made of xanthan gum and maltodextrins.
GellyMed can be added to beverages and foods without any modification because it is colourless and flavourless.
Research and Development Department goals was to stand out from the others brands on the market. Once completely dissolved our thickener turns completely clear and tasteless avoiding a starchy taste.
From our experience in the sanitary assistance field we needed a thickener that was at the same time swallowing safe and satisfying for the palate.
It resists to salivary amylase, hence, the compactness is not altered during the swallowing guaranteeing safeness.
It does not contain gluten or lactose sources.


Tabella di conversione gas criogenici liquefatti

Seleziona il GAS, inserisci il valore, confermalo con invio e otterrai la conversione

O2 - Ossigeno
Sezione riservata agli operatori

Questa sezione del sito MedicAir è riservata ai soli operatori sanitari. I contenuti sono da considerarsi di natura puramente informativa e non pubblicitaria. Proseguendo, si dichiara di essere in possesso dei requisiti per la consultazione di informazioni tecniche, secondo le normative vigenti (Ministero della Salute, Linee Guida del 20 dicembre 2017).